Self Care With May Globus

Self Care With May Globus

Please introduce yourself and tell us what you do!
Hi, Before! My name is May Globus, and I’m a certified sound therapy practitioner, intuitive channeler and host/producer of The Craft podcast. 

What are your non-negotiable morning rituals Before Life Happens?
I recently adopted a German Shepherd puppy—her name is Reina (pronounced Ray-na), and she’s the love of my life right now. So, the first non-negotiable is morning cuddles with her after she comes out of her crate. She walks straight into my lap every time for an a.m. belly rub and melts my heart. Then it’s a five to ten-minute meditation, journaling session, and connecting with my ancestors while she plays. When I’m feeling like a little guidance for the day or week ahead, I pull a card from one of my many tarot and oracles decks. Once you connect energetically with your cards, they never lead you astray—I highly suggest ones created by Juliet Diaz and also Kim Krans.

You've had a diverse career journey from fashion, lifestyle & culture journalism to corporate marketing and branding before diving into sound therapy. What drew you to transition into the realm of holistic healing?
It’s been a winding, fulfilling career road so far. I wouldn’t change a thing, because I truly believe each career was a building block for the next one, no matter how disparate it seems from the one before. 
As for holistic healing, it’s in my maternal lineage—something I learned just after my grandmother Leti passed away, which blew me away and explained (from an ancestral lens) my natural deep draw to the healing arts and the mystical. She was a candle magic practitioner in her home country before she immigrated to the United States. People in my grandmother’s town would come to see her if they had physical and/or emotional ailments—she would melt wax into a giant stone bowl, let it harden into discernible shapes representing the ailment, then flush the wax (therefore the ailment) away.  
But for me, the inspiration and impetus for getting certified in sound therapy from the Institute of Traditional Medicine was a personal one. In the fall of 2018, I fell very ill. Western medicine didn’t know what it was and just called it “autoimmune”. Traditional Chinese Medicine was able to identify it immediately from an Eastern medicine perspective and helped with a year-long TCM tea regimen—but my anxiety was at an all-time high because of this mysterious illness. I googled alternative healings that could help with the anxiety, and that’s when I found sound baths. I felt a major physical and emotional shift after the first one. A few months after committing to a year of attending sound sessions at Zen Den every week, I knew I found my calling. Now my clients range from individuals to corporations/brands/institutions like the official conference of TED, lululemon, Herschel Supply, the University of British Columbia, CIBC and more. I’m beyond passionate and honored to share sound as healing and restoration with as many humans as possible. 

Can you share a pivotal moment or experience that solidified your belief in the healing power of sound therapy and intuitive channeling?
I remember the one of my first sound therapy sessions with a client that was moving through major emotions: anxiety, grief, fear. During the session, I channeled an odd-sounding name that wasn’t familiar to me and when we did our debrief post-sound, I shared this with the client. It was the name of a person the client hadn’t seen since he was 17-years-old. He ended up reaching out and connecting with this person after decades. Sound and frequency become vessels for messages like these to come through, and these messages are also incredibly healing to people.

Tell us about one of your favourite places to travel. Why does it resonate with you?
Japan has a sacred place in my heart—it’s somewhere I know I’ll have a serene second home one day, likely in the countryside of Kyoto. The way the Japanese revere craft, beauty, nature, slow process, food, design, architecture, art, music, and philosophy is wonderfully poetic. The way that both the past and the future co-exist in harmony in Japan. You can be in the crazy neon of Shinjuku one minute, then just around the corner find a tiny peaceful old temple to pay your respect to the gods. They have high esteem for each other and all things, and the rest of us can stand to learn a lot from this culture and its people.

What inspired you to create The Craft podcast, and how does it reflect your journey and values?
While in my corporate job, I began to miss journalism very much. So I asked myself why? What was it about journalism that I missed? The answer was when I got sent on assignment to interview a person, to learn their story and why they got into their craft. I’m an eternally curious being. I want to know about you, who you are—not just the superficial layer, but who you truly are. What are the moments that shaped you? What brings you joy, and what brings you to your knees? 
I was having intimate conversations like these regularly with amazing creative and entrepreneurial friends in my own world, so why not record and share them? I’m also a visual person, so each episode drops with a 10-image editorial photo shoot of my podcast guests in their home and/or work space—my photographers Juno Kim, Luis Valdizon, and Eric Veloso in Vancouver and Sam Elkins in Los Angeles are talented beyond belief. We capture the guests, but also the tiny details of their world. I believe how a person curates their space, what they collect, and what they cherish tells just as much of a story as their words do. The Craft is a kind of audio-visual magazine of sorts, and I love that this is the space it’s created in the podcast world.

In your experience hosting The Craft, what role do you believe storytelling plays in fostering connection and empathy, both within your audience and in society at large?
It’s everything. When we hear the story of someone’s life, more often than not, we may see a little bit of us in them. Or perhaps that person becomes mirror for something that we may need to look at within our own selves and the stories we weave about our lives. In some episodes of The Craft, guests shared something personal very publicly for the first time—things that even their dearest friends didn’t know. When you allow a safe space for people to share their truest selves through story, we soften a little more. We all become more human.

What do you do for fun? Tell us what your favourite weekend includes.
Let me count the ways! I just moved back to Los Angeles after a long chapter in Vancouver, so feeling this incredible expansion right now, which is what I’m craving in this chapter of life. Exploring everything is my current MO. Many top art museums here are free to roam, the caliber of live podcasts and panels is amazing (social houses like Soho and NeueHouse do excellent programming to recruit new members). Discovering the millions of food gems, the hidden beaches and ecological reserves. I love the diversity of people here, it’s refreshing. And Americans are friendly folk—they aren’t afraid to strike up a conversation with strangers, which the podcast host in me absolutely loves.

What is something in life that you want to do that you haven’t yet?
Love this question. Lately, I’ve been pondering writing books. Maybe a memoir and also a children’s book. And visiting Patagonia one day. Don’t know why just yet, but I’ve long felt a draw there since I was a teenager. There’s a powerful, isolated beauty that pulls my heart to it.

How do you end your day? Are there any other self-care practices that support you in feeling your best?
To end the day, I light a palo santo to clear my energy. There’s something ritualistic about lighting that hallowed piece of wood—a respectful way to show my gratitude to all things, to acknowledge and name whatever good or challenging moments that had transpired for me during the day.


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