Wave of Change: Haley Jain Haggerstone’s Work with SeaTrees

Wave of Change: Haley Jain Haggerstone’s Work with SeaTrees

Please introduce yourself and tell us what you do!

My name is Haley Jain Haggerstone and I am the Partnerships Director for SeaTrees. I work with brand partners that support our mission to regenerate the health of our ocean planet. SeaTrees plants, protects, and restores blue carbon coastal ecosystems all around the world. These ecosystems include mangrove forests, kelp forests, seagrass meadows, coral reefs, and coastal watersheds. Blue carbon ecosystems can be up to 5-10x more effective at sequestering carbon than other ecosystems. They’re also biodiversity hot spots and support sustainable development.

What inspired you to pursue a career in ocean conservation and join SeaTrees?

 I grew up by the ocean in Vancouver, Canada. The ocean has always been my happy place. My love for the ocean is what inspired me to dedicate my life to protecting it.

Can you share a personal experience that deepened your commitment to protecting the oceans?

 I started my career with the Surfrider Foundation and I remember my first chapter meeting where I learned about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. I was shocked and knew I needed to do something about it. I didn’t realize it at the time but that meeting would change the trajectory of my career.

What are some of your favourite ocean-related activities or hobbies?

I love taking my dog paddleboarding around Naples in Long Beach where I live.

How do you stay motivated and positive in the face of environmental challenges?

I am cautiously optimistic about our future as a species. I choose to focus on the solutions, what I can control, and the impact I can have as an individual.

What are some key projects SeaTrees is currently working on, and what impact have they had so far?

Since World Oceans Day 2019, we’ve planted more than 4 million SeaTrees across 24 projects globally. Our northstar goal is to support 100 blue carbon projects by 2030. I’m not sure how many SeaTrees that will equate to but I’m excited to find out.

What role do education and awareness play in advancing ocean conservation efforts?

Education and awareness are essential to driving action. We need to understand the why before we do the what. If you have a connection to the ocean, you’re more likely to want to protect it.

What future initiatives or projects are you most excited about for SeaTrees, and how can people get involved?

As we work towards our 100 project goal, we’re on the lookout for best-in-class coastal restoration projects. If you know of one, please reach out. If you’d like to support one of our active projects, visit www.seatrees.org. Also, if you sign up for our newsletter, we’ll plant your first SeaTrees for free! 



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